Senin, 22 Desember 2014

The Cause - Effect Essay

A Block Organization Outline of Cause-Effect Essay

The Causes and Effects of The Great Change at Learner Styles in College

I.                   Introduction
Thesis Statement: This essay is going to explain about several causes and effects of why the great change happened at learner styles.
II.                Body
1.      The Causes
A.    Some subjects may make learner feel bored because of two reasons.
1.      The rules
2.      The study contract
B.     The second cause is the mark oriented by doing the tasks.
1.      Do the tasks in rush
2.      Without trying to understand the subject
C.     The last cause is feeling frustated
1.      Feel impatient toward the challenge in learning
2.      Can not manage their own mood
2.      These three causes planted the seeds of great change in learner styles, and the effects of this change are felt at learners motivation, willingness, and graduation time.
A.   Learner Motivation
1.      Feel give up
2.      Can not focus on the subject that is being learned
B.   Learner Willingness
1.      The influency of  rules or study contract
2.      Can be solved by asking:
a). What the learners wants
b). The appropriatness of learners needs
C.   The graduation time
1.      Will graduate later
2.      Get old in that period learning without significance progress

III.             Conclusion

In conclusion, learners are requiring high self-motivation in learning. It not only comes by themselves, but also the lecturers who have a responsibility to make the learners be a better person in the future.

The Causes and Effects of The Great Change at Learner Styles in College

Everyone, of course, has own self-power in life. In learning, every subject also has their own interested for whoever. Everyone has certain reason about why he or she likes or dislikes in some subjects that have been taken. The reason is something why someone wants to take or do something. The reason also influences someone motivation in learning. Learners sometimes feel bored, tired, or frustated when they have learned many subjects at every semesters in college. But, have they actually known about what is the reason why they learned ? Have they already realized why they feel excited at certain subjects only ? Why do they feel give up for another subjects ? What is something that influences them ?
The first causes is feeling bored. Some subjects may make learners feel bored because of some reasons. It is caused by the rules or the study contract. The rules are felt uncomfortable by learners. The rules are hoped appropriate with the age and the characteristics of learners. The study contract may influence learners, too. The study contract are also hoped suitable with the learners needs in study. These causes get learners feel bored easily.
The second causes is the mark oriented. Some subject’s tasks sometimes are submitted in the same deadline day. Learners must do the tasks in rush. They do the tasks based on what the lecturers ask to do without trying to understand what the subject explain about. They focus on the tasks to get the mark only. As a result, their comprehension does not improve on those learning subjects.
The last causes is feeling frustated. When learners have got bored in learning, they usually will feel frustated easily. They often do not want to stand up in certain period time. They feel impatient toward the challenge in learning. They can not manage their own mood. Their own motivation also reduced day by day.
These three causes planted the seeds of great change at learner styles in college, and the effects of this change are felt in learners motivation, willingness, and graduation time.
One of the biggest effects of the great change is felt at learners motivation. Because many learners get bored easily in learning, their motivation is going to decrease easily, too. In most learners, feeling bored makes them feel give up. Consequently, they can not focus on the subject that is being learned. They get lazy to do the tasks or even read the book. They are also feeling stuck and losing their own spirit.
The effects of the great change are being felt not only at learners motivation, but also at their willingness to study. The rules or the study contract may influence learners willingness in learning. These problem can be solved by asking what the learners wants and the appropriatness of learners needs. Lecturers can not decide its by themselves without asking learners agreement before.
The last effects of the great change is related to learners graduation time. Learners motivation and willingness can influence their graduation. If learners can not arrange their own time and motivation in learning, they will graduate later than the learners who have a good managing time and motivation. As the effect, they will only get older in that period learning without significance progress.
In conclusion, learners are requiring high self-motivation in learning. It not only comes by themselves, but also the lecturers who have a responsibility to make the learners be a better person in the future.

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