Senin, 22 Desember 2014



Ellipsis yang berarti penghilangan kata atau sejumlah kata dari suatu kalimat yang dimaksudkan agar kalimat itu menjadi lebih singkat dan lebih baik susunannya. Susunan ellipsis digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata atau sejumlah kata dalam suatu kalimat.
1.      She might sing, but I do not think she will (sing)
2.      I am ahppy if you are (happy)
3.      She works as hard as her husband (works)
Semua verb dalam kurung di atas dapat dihilangkan.
Penggunaan Susunan Ellipsis
1.      Dua buah kalimat yang sama predicet nya (termasuk objek dan pelengkap atau keterangan)
1.      He is busy. I am busy
He is busy, and I am too
He is busy, and so am I
2.      You bought a new shoes. She bought a new shoes
You bought a new shoes, and she did too
You bought a new shoes, and so did she
3.      Febby likes reading comic. Widya likes reading comic
Febby likes reading comic, and Widya does too
Febby likes reading comic, and so does widya

2.      Dua buah kalimat yang predicet nya sama (termasuk objek dan pelengkap atau keterangan)
negative statement + and + subject + negative auxiliary or be+ either
negative statement+ and + neither+ positive auxiliary or be+ subject
1.      I do not like cornet. She does not like cornet
I don’t like cornet, and she doesn’t either
I don’t like cornet, and neither does she
2.      Thiya did not meet him. Nola did not meet him
Thiya didn’t meet him, and Nola didn’t either
Thiya didn’t meet him, and neither did Nola
3.      I have not seen her. Dona has not seen her
I haven’t seen her, and Dona hasn’t either
I haven’t seen her, and neither has Dona
3.Dua buah kalimat positif yang mengandung compound verb (auxiliary/modal+verb)
            Positif sentence+and+subject+auxiliary/modal+too
            Positif sentence+and+so+auxiliary/modal+subject
1.      She will come to my house soon. He will come to my house soon
She will come to my house soon, and he will too
She will come to my house soon, and so will he
2.      I can go to Bung Hatta library. She can go to Bung Hatta library
I can go to Bung Hatta library, and she can too
I can go to Bung Hatta library, and so can she
3.      Budi must complete his tasks today. Dika must complete his tasks today
Budi must complete his tasks today, and Dika must too
Budi must complete his tasks today, and so must Dika
4.Dua buah kalimat negatif  yang mengandung compound verb (negative    auxiliary/modal+verb)
            Negative sentence+and+subject+negative auxiliary/modal+either
            Negative sentence+and+neither+auxiliary/modal+subject
1.      My mother can not play tennis . My father can not play tennis
My mother can’t play tennis, and my father can’t either
My mother can’t play tennis, and neither can my father
2.      She will not go to Medan. He will not go to Medan
She won’t go to Medan, and he won’t either
She won’t go to Medan, and neither won’t he
3.      We must not follow English Camp. She must not follow English Camp
We must not follow English Camp, and she must not either
We must not follow English Camp, and neither must she
5.Untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang saling berlawanan (positive and negative, or negative and positive) dalam tense yang sama dapat digunakan But.
Subject+{negative auxiliary/modal}…..+but+subject+{positive auxiliary/modal}……
Subject+{positive auxiliary/modal}….+but+subject+{negative auxiliary/modal}……
1.      Ridwan can play the guitar. Rahman can not play the guitar
Ridwan can play the guitar, but Rahman can’t
2.      She does not like salmon. I like salmon
She doesn’t like salmon, but I do
3.      They are pharmacist student. I am not a pharmacist student
They are pharmacist student, but I’m not
4.      My mother did not go to arisan. She went to arisan
My mother didn’t go to arisan, but she did
6.Untuk menyatakan suatu kombinasi dari dua kalimat positif yang mengandung kata kerja, kata benda, dan sebagainya; dalm bentuk tense yang sama dapat digunakan Both….And….
1.      I study English. She studies English
Both I and she study English
2.      Joko was sad. Jaka was sad
Both Joko and Jaka were sad
3.      My brother can drive a motocylce. My father can drive a motocycle
Both My brother and My father can drive a motocycle
4.      I have bought Tere Liye’s novel. She has bought Tere Liye’s novel
Both I and she have bought Tere Liye’s novel
7.Untuk menyatakan salah satu dari dua perbuatan dalam dua kalimat yang mempunyai bentuk    tense yang sama dapat digunakan Either….or….+positive auxiliary/modal.
1.      I will take it. You will take it
Either I or you will take it
2.      Nana can play badminton. Nina can play badminton
Either Nana or Nina can play badminton
3.      She may speak Japanese. She may speak English
She may speak either Japanese or English
8.Untuk menyatakan bahwa keduanya tidak/bukan dari dua perbuatan dalam kalimat positif yang mempunyai bentuk tense yang sama dapat digunakan Neither….nor….+positive auxiliary/modal.
1.      She does not like reading a book. She does not like reading a novel
She likes neither reading a book nor a novel
2.      I can not sing a song. She can not sing a song
Neither I nor she can sing
3.      My brother is not a doctor. My brother is not a nurse
My brother is neither a doctor nor a nurse
Atau dapat juga dinyatakan dengan cara:
1.      She doesn’t like either reading a book or a novel
2.      Either I or she can’t sing
3.      My brother isn’t either a doctor or a nurse

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