Senin, 22 Desember 2014

An Essay of Logical Division Order

An Outline of Logical Division Order Essay

The Compre Test
1.      Thesis Statement
This essay is going to tell you about what the compre test is, the ability that you must be capable, and the causes of feeling nervous toward this test.
2.      Body
1.      What the compre test is exactly
a.       A final oral test
b.      Assess your final capability
2.      There are three categories of the ability that you must be capable in this case
a.       STAIN’s ability
1.      Islamic educational course
2.      The practice of praying
3.      Reading Qoran
b.      Tarbiyah’s ability
1.      The evaluation of learning
2.      Educational statistics
3.      The development of curriculum course.
c.       Your own programme study skills
1.      Listening
2.      Reading
3.      Writing
4.      Speaking
3.      The causes of feeling nervous appear
a.       Without a good preparation
b.      The examiners
3.      Conclusion
In conclusion, the compre test is one of the most important of a series oral final test to assess your final capability that you have been acquired in your college as a graduate’s regulation. The final capability that is going to be tested is all about the skills that you must be a master based on the regulation in your college. The feeling nervous, unconfident, or pressure will depend on your preparation before toward this test. If you can manage it overall as well as possible, you will get your bachelor degree easily.

The Compre Test
When we talk about the compre test, what is the compre test ? What do you remind about it ? Is it about the subjects which could be tested, or the most difficult of oral test, or the nervous feeling towards the test ? In this essay, I am going to tell you about what the compre test is, what the subjects must be able for handling, and why you are feeling nervous toward the test.
Now, let me tell you about what the compre test is exactly. The compre test is a final oral test which focused on the all of materials that you have been taken from the first semester to the sixth semester. It is going to be happened when you have been in seventh or eighth semester to assess your final capability before you take your bachelor degree.
Next, there are three categories of the ability that you must be a master in this case. The first is STAIN’s ability. This ability asks you to be able in religion courses such as, Islamic Educational course, the practice of praying, and reading the qur’an. The second is Tarbiyah’s ability. It asks you to be able in educational courses, for instance, the evaluation of learning, educational statistics, and the development of curriculum course. The third is skills ability. It asks you to be a master in your own programme study skills. For example, if you are a student of English Department, the skills that you must be master are listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Last, the causes of feeling nervous appear in a number of reasons. The first is without a good preparation. You can not answer every questions that will be asked to you if you do not prepare it all enough. Your confidence can also be less and you do not know what you will say. The second is from the examiner’s team. They are going to make you unconfident with your own explanation that can not be understood. It will be happened if your answer is unclear, or your own explanation is unacceptable. It also makes your feeling will be more pressure if the questions are so many and this event takes in a long time.
In conclusion, the compre test is one of the most important of a series oral final test to assess your final capability that you have been acquired in your college as a graduate’s regulation. The final capability that is going to be tested is all about the skills that you must be a master based on the regulation in your college. The feeling nervous, unconfident, or pressure will depend on your preparation before toward this test. If you can manage it overall as well as possible, you will get your bachelor degree easily.

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